
“teresa” is a command line tool, and has few sub commands.

usage: teresa [-h] [-v] <command> ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit

    set          set voiceover enable or disable, set max volume
    show         show ipod low level DB
    sync         sync to ipod

Try 'teresa <command> -h' for command help.


usage: teresa show [-h] -b <path>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -b <path>   ipod base path

Example of use:
  teresa show -b /media/ipod_base


usage: teresa set [-h] -b <path> [-v <bool>] [-m <int>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -b <path>   ipod base path
  -v <bool>   enable or disable voiceover, true for enable, false for disable
  -m <int>    max volume, 0 is do not limit

Example of use:
  teresa set -b /media/ipod_base -v true -m 15


usage: teresa sync [-h] -b <path> -s <path> [-l <langs>] [-e <engine>]
                   [-k <key>] [-f <format>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -b <path>    ipod base path
  -s <path>    source path
  -l <langs>   comma-separated set of target language codes, e.g en-gb,zh-cn
  -e <engine>  TTS engine, svox or voicerss

Legal lang codes of engines:
  svox: de-de, en-gb, en-us, es-es, fr-fr, it-it
  voicerss: ca-es, da-dk, de-de, en-au, en-ca, en-gb, en-in, en-us, es-es, es-mx, fi-fi, fr-ca, fr-fr, it-it, ja-jp, ko-kr, nb-no, nl-nl, pl-pl, pt-br, pt-pt, ru-ru, sv-se, zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw

Two examples of use:
  teresa sync -b /media/ipod_base -s /media/ipod_src -l en-gb -e svox
  teresa sync -b /media/ipod_base -s /media/ipod_src -l en-gb,zh-cn,ja-jp -e voicerss -k d279f919f7384d3bafa516caad0eae56

Source path folder structure see: http://ipodshuffle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/teresa/index.html#source-path-folder-structure

TTS engines

Program use langid to identify title text langguage of track and playlist, but not work perfectly, It is suggested that you use “-l lang1,lang2…” to specify languages range.

For now, have two TTS engine wrapper:


CLI command is “pico2wave”, if you want to use it, make sure you have already installed it.


An http engine. It supports lot of languages(include CJK). For now, dayily request is free for 350 times, but need to register on the website to get an API key, website: http://www.voicerss.org

source path folder structure

All folders and audio files can be symbolic(soft) links.

“source” is just a example, you can use another name whatever you want. In source folder, only three folders will be scanned: “music”, “podcasts” and “audiobooks”.

Under “music”, all folders(include children folders and children’s children folders and so on) are NORMAL playlists. NORMAL playlist also caontain their child folder tracks. MASTER playlist contain all tracks of all NORMAL playlists

Under “podcasts”, only folders will be PODCAST playlists.

Under “audiobooks”, files and folders will be AUDIOBOOK playlists, but folder’s child folder wouldn’t.

See example folders structure following and notice the IGNORED folders and IGNORED audio files:

   ├── music
   │      ├── English songs
   │      │      ├── Bob Dylan
   │      │      │      ├── Bob Dylan - Farewell.mp31
   │      │      │      └── Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man.mp3
   │      │      │
   │      │      └── Mariah Carey
   │      │             ├── Mariah Carey - Bye Bye.mp3
   │      │             └── Mariah Carey - Hero.mp3
   │      │
   │      ├── 邓丽君
   │      │      ├── 邓丽君 - 小城故事多.mp3
   │      │      ├── 邓丽君 - 何日君再来.mp3
   │      │      └── 邓丽君 - 恰似你的温柔.mp3
   │      │
   │      ├── The Clash - Bankrobber.mp3
   │      ├── The Weepies - Gotta Have You.mp3
   │      ├── 梁静茹 - 小手拉大手.mp3
   │      ├── 卢冠廷 - 一生所爱.mp3
   │      └── 喜納昌吉 - 花~すべての人の心に花を.mp3
   ├── podcasts
   │      ├── 6 Minute English
   │      │      ├── p03fgnf9.mp3
   │      │      ├── p03g4kll.mp3
   │      │      ├── p03gtsz8.mp3
   │      │      └── p03hj7dq.mp3
   │      │
   │      ├── The English We Speak
   │      │      ├── p03gmjw3.mp3
   │      │      ├── p03hb15j.mp3
   │      │      └── p03j16wv.mp3
   │      │
   │      ├── Luk's ENGLISH Podcast
   │      │      │      └── THIS_AUDIO_WILL_BE_IGNORED.mp3
   │      │      │
   │      │      ├── 326-catching-up-with-oli-future-predictions-part-2.mp3
   │      │      ├── 327-the-lep-photo-competition-please-check-out-the-photos-and-vote.mp3
   │      │      └── 328-cooking-with-luke-verbs-and-expressions-in-the-kitchen.mp3
   │      │
   │      │
   └── audiobooks
          ├── 01.Love Or Money
          │      ├── 01.mp3
          │      ├── 02.mp3
          │      ├── 03.mp3
          │      ├── 04.mp3
          │      ├── 05.mp3
          │      ├── 06.mp3
          │      └── 07.mp3
          ├── 02.Mary Queen Of Scots
          │      │      └── THIS_AUDIO_WILL_BE_IGNORED.mp3
          │      │
          │      ├── 01.Fotheringhay.mp3
          │      ├── 02.France.mp3
          │      ├── 03.Darnley and Riccio.mp3
          │      ├── 04.The death of David Riccio.mp3
          │      ├── 05.My son is born.mp3
          │      ├── 06.Kirk O'Field.mp3
          │      ├── 07.Bothwell.mp3
          │      ├── 08.England.mp3
          │      └── 09.A Death.mp3
          ├── a book in single audio.mp3
          └── another book in single audio.mp3